Why Play Basketball

Scoring Academy

Basketball is probably the most popular sport in the whole world. Thanks to NBA and the likes of Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and others, many people have indulged into this sport not only because their idols do so but for the simple reason that they want to be physically fit and live a longer and healthier life.

In fact, playing basketball also became popular to people who are trying to lose weight for good because it doesn’t give them too much pressure and give them so much fun. Since playing basketball enables a person to play with others, it is enjoyed by many because it also helps them improve their social skills.

For people who feel that their weight is greatly affecting their self-esteem because of physical appearance, health, emotional stability, physical abilities and the overall quality of your life in general, then it is about time that you contemplate on losing weight by playing basketball.


Whether you are playing to lose weight or just to have fun, there are some considerations first before you finally decide to engage with the sport.

Before buying all the gear needed for playing basketball, you must determine first the real reasons why you want to engage in sport. For some, they play basketball because they want to lose weight while for others, it’s because they enjoy playing with others. By determining and establishing your reason/s why you would want to play basketball, you can use these as motivations continue with it.

Next, know it in yourself if you can be truly and whole-heartedly committed in doing the things necessary for you to play basketball. By asking yourself if you are ready to permanently change what you eat, how you eat, your behavior and your activity level, the possibility is greater that you would achieve your goals in playing basketball.

Third, look for a back up support system in case you are having a hard time maintaining your interest on basketball. It would be best if you have a set of friends who you can play basketball with on regular basis. If you have a fixed schedule and a fixed set of players, you will be encouraged to play basketball regularly.


If you are planning to play basketball on a regular basis, you must seek professional help first to check if you are physically and mentally fit for the sport. For those who are playing basketball to, here are some tips you can do yourself:

Watch what you eat. Choosing the foods you eat from the food pyramid can help you develop a well-balanced diet and will give your body the nutrients it needs to endure the rigorous activities while playing basketball.

Never, ever skip regular meals. Food nourishes the body. Although dieting or cutting down on food intake can help you lose weight, this cannot assure permanent weight loss because you will tend to eat more the next meal.

Prevent dehydration by drinking lots of water. Basketball is rigorous sport so expect that you will sweat a lot. You must ensure that you need to load up on liquids, especially water, so your body will be well-dehydrated to avoid dehydration-related problems.

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